Overview of Scentinal Air Quality and Odor Monitoring Station:
The Scentinal Air Quality and Odour Monitoring Station provides high accuracy (ppb level) detection of odorous gases such as H2S, NH3, VOCs, SO2 & odour concentration. SL50’s flexible, intelligent sensor network allows live monitoring of plant odour emissions on Scentroid’s cloud servers. Scentinal’s innovative design offers the most reliable and cost effective odour monitoring solution in the world.
Cloud Server Hosting:
The central monitoring station is hosted on a secure cloud based server allowing remote access via any computer with internet access. This access is restricted and the data is encrypted for maximum security. Users are given a password and user name which will define their permission level.
Scentinal Basics of Operation:
Mount your Scentinal to a pole, wall, or any other structure with access to power. If no power access is available, install our solar panel kit! The SL50 then serves as an air quality transmitter, and refers all recorded information to you.
Log on to the web based remote monitoring software to view readings, reports, and for unit configuration. Scentinal will automatically:
Communicate with central servers using its SIM card
Monitor its own GPS position and inform the server of any changes
Automatically control it’s internal temperature using a powerful air conditioning/heating system
Conduct routine maintenance such as ozone based self cleaning and sensor validation
Scentinal Air Quality and Odor Monitoring Station
Remote monitoring based on photo-ionization detectors, nondispersive infrared sensors, and electrochemical sensors
Measure common and exotic air contaminants to ppb levels
Cloud based monitoring server for data collection, reporting, notification, alarms and more
Remotely configurable through cloud based monitoring software
Automatic cleaning using built-in ozone generator
Automatic server validation using built-in zero air and optional calibration air
Scentinal Data Transmission
Data from the Scentinal Compact Air Quality and odour Monitoring Station system is processed by Scentroid’s chemical and olfactometric correlation system to determine odour impact in terms of odour units at the sensitive receptors. The Compact Air Quality and odour Monitoring Station uses a neural network learning algorithm to determine odour concentration from chemical readings.
Olfactometric measurements, using the Scentroid SM100 Field Olfactometer, are collected periodically (monthly, bi-monthly, or semi-annually) and are inputted into the learning algorithm along with recorded chemical composition. This sophisticated algorithm will then create a non-linear relationship between chemical readings and odour concentration. This data is used to teach the network and enhance the accuracy of odour concentration prediction from chemical composition. The advantage of this Compact Air Quality and odour Monitoring Station over other competing technologies such as E-Noses is that chemical to odour concentration is based on routinely gathered olfactometric data and therefore is always up to date regardless of changes to the plant processes.
Should the space you are monitoring be large, it may require a series of Scentinal SL50 units recording data. Using state of the art IoT (Internet of Things) software, the Scentinal unit can transfer data throughout a network of cooperating units in order to build a comprehensive data map.
NEMA4x Cabinet with Optional Air Conditioning and Heating
Each Compact Air Quality and odour Monitoring Station is enclosed in a NEMA4x cabinet. This standard package allows the station to operate within an ambient air environment of between 4 and 35 degrees Celsius. Optionally each Station can be equipped with the following cooling and heating systems to keep the unit at optimal temperature and humidity:
• Air Conditioning System for temperatures between 35 and 50 degrees C
• Heating System for temperatures between +4 and -50 degrees C
• Combined Air Conditioning and Heating System
The HVAC system has an automated thermostat and smart power management system. The sensor network reports on the temperature and humidity of the cabinet to warn of any HVAC failures. Furthermore, each station has a hardware shut off feature to prevent over temperature failure if the temperature inside the cabinet exceeds 50 degrees C or goes below -50 degrees C due to HVAC failure.
Scentinal Heated Gas Sampling Line
Scentinal Heated sampling line used to minimize condensation and increase sample integrity and meet all EPA guidelines for emissions sampling. This additional feature can be add to your Scentinal per your request. The temperature of the air entering through the sample line is monitored using a thermocouple built into the sample line and can be accurately controlled through the temperature controller inside the cabinet.
The heated sampling line consists of:
3/8” PTFE Tubing core
Aluminum heat transfer casing
Electrical heating wrap
High Temperature Thermal shielding
Aluminum heat shield
Foam insulation
Protective casing
K type Thermo Couple
Electrical connector (compatible with SL50 – Heated Sample Line controller option must be added)
Scentinal Heated Particulate Sample Inlet
A heated sample inlet for the PM1-10 sensor greatly increases the accuracy of the PM reading by eliminating water droplets and moisture from the sample. This additional feature is available for any Scentinal which has PM sensor. Temperature of the inlet can be user set to match environmental conditions using the temperature controller inside the cabinet. The actual achieved temperature is monitored using a thermocouple built into the stainless steel inner tube. The
Heated Particulate Sample Inlet module consists of:
Stainless steel Inner tube
Electrical heater
Stainless steel outer tube
Stainless steel rain cap
Thermo Couple
Temperature controller (inside cabinet)
Poor Air Quality Index
Has your city/township/region been displaying a poor Air Quality Index (AQI) for several days in a row? Perhaps it’s time to consider finding out what’s in the air around you. Speak to Scentroid today to figure out the best solution for your space.
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