Extension-4 sensor bar for calculating heat stress monitor

Extension-4 is a sensor bar for calculating WBGT index. It must be used to determine which region of the body is most affected during working hours. In conjunction with the Protemp-4 Heat Stress Monitor, Extension-4 can be connected in series with up to 4 units at different heights such as chest, abdomen and legs to determine the region of the body most affected or horizontally by drawing a measurement perimeter.
ISO 7243 Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Assessment of heat stress using the WBGT (wet bulb globe temperature) index
INSHT NTP 322: Valoración del riesgo de estrés térmico: índice WBGT
*All Pictures shown are for illustrative purposes only. Extension-4 must be used in conjunction with Protemp-4 by purchasing it separately.
Technical Information
Range: -20 to 150 °C
Accuracy: ± 0.5 °C
Resolution: 0,1 °C
Operation temperature: 0 a 65 °C
Operation humidity: up to 95%
Temperature reading: Celsius or Fahrenheit
Reports in lists and graphs
Data logging intervals: 1 to 60s
High resistance to EMI/RFI
Dimensions: 180 x 46 x 47 mm
Weight: 210g
Carrying case USB cable
6 inches globe
Bottle with distilled water for wet bulb (250 ml)
Cotton wick for wet bulb